As you know, our products come from the hands of skilled manufacturers in India and Colombia. However, to ensure their practicality and the interest of European customers, their design is created in the Czech Republic. Let's take a look together at the journey a product has to take to get to your door!

Explore the whole process

New product from A to Z

Before a new Bagind appears on our e-shop it has come a long way.

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The first thing you need is an idea. Inspiration can be our designer's own experience or the wishes of our customers.
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After inspiration is gained, the first sketches are created.
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Everything needs to be properly measured and written down so that our manufacturers know exactly how and what to sew.
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According to the technical documentation, our producers then give the pieces their real shape.
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The first pieces produced are sent back to the Czech Republic, where they undergo a strict inspection by our designer and his meter.
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When the pieces have been checked, the only thing left to do is to photograph them so that we can present them to you!

Our designer

The author of most of our designs is MgA. Filip Hieke. Filip has been designing for Bagind for 2 years, his first design was backpack Linde. His favorites also include Vaq for its sophistication or the practical Kangu.



city backpack
€ 139
Sold out
Aside background image

Up to six months of work

The entire process from initial idea to the actual product takes up to 6 months. That's half a year of thinking, measuring, testing and, above all, honest handmade production. Our products are therefore much more than just good-looking fashion accessories. Each of them is a materialized piece of several months of work of our team.

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